Monday, March 2, 2009

Shaw Family Take a Kid Skiing Day!!!

This Saturday we took our girls and Ezra, Megan,Chris and Grandpa up to Deer Valley for a big family ski day. We had such a good time! The kids did a great job. Little Ezra,my nephew, was a little hot dog. He was screaming down those runs like you would not believe. Carly took a run or two to warm up, but was soon asking Joe to take her over to the terrain park for more action. Paige was her usual cautious self but was skiing smooth as butter (and is probably going to be better than all of us someday). Addison is who she is and very like her Mom. She was skiing as fast as she possible could and was almost always out of control. It was one of the best ski days I have ever had. I loved watching the girls have so much fun and finally beginning to see what our ski days in the future will be like. We were the last ones off the mountain, and I think all the adults were worn out...and then some. The kids were sad to have to leave! What a beautiful snowbird ski day.


  1. That's it..You and Joe are teaching our kids how to ski!
    Looks like it was a blast!

  2. What fun!!! It looks like you all had a blast. I can't wait to get my four little pains up on the Montain, next year, well next year for three of them anyways.

  3. Ahhh skiing. I remember doing that back in the day. You know, five years ago.
    Your descriptions of your girls skiing sytles totally cracked me up. And Cograts to Precious Pagiey for riding her bike!!

  4. Cute pics. carly could totally be a little ski bunny model with ther braids and all. Gald you had fun and can't wait til I'm at the stage where we can all hit the slopes!

  5. I have to say ditto to Molly's comment. I thought your kids were perfect models for outdoor gear. Your girls are seriously.....BEAUTIFUL! Well duh...look at their babes, I tell ya!
